Members of the UCGSA are given a voice. Important issues affecting UCF grad students are brought up to the administration. Likewise, the UCGSA board communicates information from the College of Sciences and Department of Chemistry.
Only members are allowed voting rights in the association.
Travel awards from the Student Government Association and ACS are only available to members.
The UCGSA harbors a community for chemistry grad students to make the most out of their academics. This includes opportunities for volunteering, community engagement, networking, and social activities.
There's always the free food at meetings for members!
The points system is built on being active in the UCGSA. Each member can acquire points each semester. The points will be used to determine who receives the Travel Award, and if too many people are applying to go to ACS, it will be a deciding factor for who receives funding.
1 pt - Paying Dues
2 pts - Volunteering
1 pt - Meeting Attendance
* The most up-to-date official rules will be in the constitution.
The membership fee is $25 for two semesters and $15 for one semester. Dues are collected at the beginning of the academic school year.
What more can UCGSA do for you?